Cremation Frequently Asked Questions

When considering cremation, it is important to know that it is not a funeral service. Nor does the process represent the final disposition of cremated remains, which requires the determination of whether they should be buried, scattered or stored.

Essential Questions To Ask Funeral Homes During COVID-19 and Social Distancing

Do you have a COVID-19 Policy? If so, can you email me a link to the policy? What is your process for transferring a decedent from a hospital, long term care facility or place of residence? Are you conducting arrangements by phone or video conferencing? How many family members are able to attend the private […]

What Is the Average Cost of a Cremation in 2020?

In the past few years, more Americans are choosing cremation over a traditional funeral when a loved one dies. Affordability is one of the reasons for this shift; cremations are often cheaper than conventional funerals and burials. Though other factors have also fueled the rise in cremation rates, its lower price point can have a […]