Funeralocity CEO Talks about the Impact of Coronavirus
NEW YORK CITY, May 21, 2020 – THE CITY, an influential New York voice, talked to founder Ed Michael Reggie about the pricing of funeral homes amid the coronavirus outbreak in the city. With more than 20,000 lives lost, New York is dealing with unprecedented demand for funeral services. And prices are going up. In fact, the cost of cremations alone have soared 43 percent. However, the economic fall-out of the pandemic has affected peoples’ ability to pay for costly services. “No other region is indicating this kind of instability,” Reggie said. For grieving families, in addition to the higher cost, finding a funeral home that will take on a body can be a challenge. “In many instances, people are having to go to cemeteries outside of their immediate area, thus incurring additional transportation expenses,” he continued.
The City also examined the crisis in NY brought on my the pandemic, including the costs of burying or cremating loved ones in one of the country’s most expensive markets. Reggie noted that prices and costs are especially acute during the downturn, when people are out of work and now facing a myriad of issues.
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